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7 May 2021 Minute read

COVID-19: Prayers for India

Focus on the current COVID-19 crisis in India

The world’s battle is still far from over


India is mourning the deaths of more than 200,000 citizens from COVID-19.

As the nation’s COVID-19 daily infection rates reach devastating levels, World Vision India mourns the loss of six valued staff and two board members, alongside many colleagues who have lost family members in this second wave of the virus. (correct as of 6 May 2021)

World Vision International President and CEO, Andrew Morley, said:

“I’m truly heartbroken by the devastating wave of COVID-19 infections sweeping India, and its impact on the millions of children we are already helping through this crisis.

We pray for all of those affected and will continue doing everything in our power to support the most vulnerable.

This includes working with faith leaders to combat scepticism about vaccines and pressing for fair and equitable vaccine distribution.” 

As a Christian organisation, we believe in the power of prayer. Join with us and others around the world, to pray for India today.

A young girl, wearing a facemask, holds an exercise book
Nidhi, 7, has informal learning while schools are closed

A prayer request from World Vision India

Please pray:

  • For an end to these devastating circumstances
  • That those currently infected would recover quickly
  • For all those grieving the loss of loved ones
  • That the appeal and emergency response would be successful and effective

Pray for… the situation in India

Since March 2020, World Vision’s coronavirus response has reached 4.8 million people in India. Our teams have delivered aid to help the poorest families cope with the economic impacts of lockdowns, and supported COVID-19 prevention efforts.

But, as the virus runs rampant in areas like Delhi, where hospitals have been overwhelmed and run short of oxygen, the risk to poorer areas where health services are weaker, and families are more vulnerable, increases.

Pray for… the effects on children

Sadly, children are often neglected during pandemics.

While coronavirus has proved less serious to the health of children, so far. the second wave of infections in India has seen a rapid surge in infection of children in all age groups as it spreads quickly among families.

  • Currently, close to 20% of people with COVID-19 in India are children under-18 years old and the virus has some particular challenges for them:
    Getting a consultation with a paediatrician – especially in rural areas where doctors are scarce and overwhelmed.
  • Availability of drugs. So far, less than 1% of children are requiring critical care. But this could drastically change in the coming few weeks. 
  • If parents become sick and livelihoods are lost, children can lose their food security, education, protection and emotional support.
Two young girls, with plaits, wear face masks and hold their school books tightly
Nursarin, 6, and Pooja, 5 try to continue learning through the coronavirus pandemic

Pray for… preventing the worst

World Vision India’s National Director, Madhav Bellamkonda, said: 
"The recent spike in COVID-19 cases confirms that India is going through one of the toughest phases in the crisis. But the reality of crowded cities, mobility of people not following government-mandated precautions, and the emergence of new strains has made the control efforts harder. There is a risk of losing some important gains India has made in the fight against COVID-19.” 

World Vision is redoubling efforts to support hospitals, health centres and communities, with personal protective equipment, sanitiser and continued support for vulnerable families. 

Will we also continue to advocate for vaccination. Children are not safe if their families are not safe and not vaccinated. 

Medical staff in India wear some of the new PPE they've received

Pray for… the ongoing pandemic

Globally, cases have now increased for the ninth straight week, with Asia and the Western Pacific seeing the largest rise. 

There were almost as many cases globally last week as in the first five months of the pandemic. 

World Vision is closely monitoring countries such as Bolivia, Ecuador, Mexico, Syria, and Papua New Guinea where new spikes in caseloads have been emerging. 

“While some nations are starting to see light at the end of the tunnel, it is clear many parts of the world are yet to face their worst moments. We will be there, supporting and empowering children and the communities they live in, throughout,” Mr Morley said. 

As the world continues to fight against the virus, some nations are yet to face the worst of it.

We plan to be there with them. Will you help?

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