Bangladesh Mirpur AP Impact WASH Story
In one of the big slums in Bangladesh, World Vision Bangladesh is serving to bring change to women and girls.
Suraiya, 19, is a former World Vision child forum member. She explains, “In my first-time menstruation I was very scared. My mother gave me a portion of her used ragged shari (traditional women's attire) and showed me how to use it. I was embarrassed to handle the whole thing for a long time! We did not have any washroom where we can clean or change the clothes, [and] supply of clean water was a high challenge."
Beside running its sponsorship programme, World Vision Bangladesh has, with its partners, established 48 toilets, 89 water lines, 36 water reserves, and 29 bathing places for more than 500 people in this slum community. Now girls have facilities like a toilet, a bathing place, enough water supply, and proper drainage system, as well as a disposal bin.