Free prayer journal template
Deepen your prayer life with a free Christian prayer journal
What is a prayer journal used for?
A prayer journal is a great way to have a conversation with God as you can write down your prayers, take some time to reflect, and wait to listen for His response.
It can be beneficial to find a quiet time to talk with God through journaling, where you can let Him know what’s in your heart. A prayer journal can be used to share your dreams and challenges, and to express praise to God.
Prayer journaling allows you to record your prayers and read through them again, encouraging you in your personal prayer life. Our printable prayer journal template is a free prayer tool to help guide and organise your prayers. You’ll see God’s faithfulness and grow closer to Him as you pray for those you love, build a relationship with Him, and keep track of the great things he is doing through you.
Get into the habit of spending time with God by using your prayer journal every day to engage in intimate conversation and reflection with God. Once you print your free prayer journal guide you’ll be able to write down inspiring Bible verses, read a devotion, and record your daily prayers on the prayer journal sheets.

How to make a prayer journal for beginners
You can start a prayer journal by downloading our PDF template. The template includes a prayer journal outline, offering guided prayer so you can add your own personal reflections, as well as Scripture verses so you can be reminded of God’s promises in the Bible. You may also find our Bible verses on the power of prayer helpful as you get started.
Your prayer journal will also include a reflection for the day, where you can learn about God’s love and how we can love others, both near and far. If you’re unsure about what to pray for, we’ve also included some suggested prayers for vulnerable children around the world. Join us in sharing a prayer to help improve children’s lives through our work.
Why not share this wonderful resource with friends and family? It can be used as a family prayer journal to encourage the family to pray together. It could even be used as a prayer journal for women, small groups, or a prayer ministry resource at your local church.

5 ways to use a prayer journal
- Find a quiet space to spend time with God in prayer.
- Allow enough time to reflect on God’s goodness.
- Find inspiring Bible verses to help you focus on God’s promises and write these down.
- Write out your prayer requests as you spend time in prayer.
- Make a note of answered prayers and give God thanks.

How to organise your prayer journal
Creating a prayer journal is a great way to help you focus your prayers on a particular need or topic you wish to bring before God. Creating a prayer plan is a useful way to organise a prayer journal. You’ll be able to easily look back at your prayers and give thanks for those that have been answered. Don’t forget to date your prayer journaling, so you see how God has answered your prayers time and time again.
You can even keep your prayer journal together using a prayer binder or folder. Or you could create your very own “war room” prayer wall, by sticking your prayers in your favourite place to pray or on the inside of your wardrobe closet. Whichever way you decide to do it, the purpose is to spend intimate time with God in prayer.

Robert Pierce
World Vision Founder and President 1950-1967
How faith impacts our work
Founded on a prayer over seven decades ago, World Vision is a Christian charity that extends its support to every child regardless of religion, race, ethnicity, or gender.
We work in some of the world's hardest places, partnering with local faith leaders, communities and families to ensure children are protected today and empowered tomorrow.
This work has brought better futures for 200 million vulnerable children across the globe.
Pray with us
Prayer is powerful. We are a family of people, all over the world, who believe in the power of prayer.
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