Pumpkin Heroes 2021
World Vision UK's Patch the Pumpkin returns this October
If you’re looking for free alternative Halloween activities for your kids this year, look no further!
World Vision’s Pumpkin Heroes returns, encouraging children to be generous and have fun. Our friendly little pumpkin, Patch stars in a cartoon video, Being Generous, showing how generosity has helped restore a water supply to a drought-parched village.
The video is part of a resource pack that’s completely free for churches, primary schools and families.
The pack includes:
- Patch the Pumpkin, Being Generous storybook and film
- Parents’ / leaders’ handy guide with - games, crafts, a song, prayer and the Be Generous Challenge for kids.
- Activity sheet
All are suitable for smaller groups, families at home or bigger Pumpkin Heroes parties.
In the pack this year is the brand new 20-minute Patch the Pumpkin Show – with games, crafts, the cartoon and sing-a-long fun. Watch a glimpse of it here and register for your free pack today.
How, when and what you do for Pumpkin Heroes is up to you. On Halloween or during the autumn half term. If you have a group of children you might want to plan an event or party where you watch or read Patch the Pumpkin: Being Generous, play the games and do the activities and crafts, in person or remotely.

The theme is based on Acts 20 verse 35:
“You’ll not likely go wrong here if you keep remembering that our master said, ‘you’re happier giving than getting.’”
It’s good to share!
Most people who have been around kids will have heard similar to this:
“Come on now, you can share your toys with Harry. Let Grace have a turn please! Jack will give it back once he’s played with it, won’t you Jack?”
With encouragement from Patch the Pumpkin, children can learn to be generous with what they have and with each other.
It’s important to lead by example
The Bible begins by painting the picture of God existing before anything. From nothing He created, and provides everything for us to enjoy His good world. Partners and co-rulers over creation. God led by example.
Research shows that generous people feel happier and healthier. They’re more confident about the closeness of their relationships, feel they have more friends, and that friends will be there for them. Don’t we all want that for ourselves and our children?
If you’ve not seen it before, watch this heart-warming experiment of two children and one sandwich.
In today’s complicated, anxiety-driven world, how can we help our children live happily and generously?
World Vision’s kind-hearted superhero Patch the Pumpkin’s free Pumpkin Heroes pack, for children aged 4-10.
The challenge
Why not encourage your children to get involved with the new Be Generous Challenge too? Spend autumn half term being generous – we’ve come up with some ideas you can use or you can create your own daily challenges. And your children can fundraise to help the vulnerable children who inspire the stories in Pumpkin Heroes too. With a special award from Patch the Pumpkin for their generosity!
You'll generously find everything in the pack.
We face a world where our children feel more digitally connected than ever before but possibly more alone and uncertain. Being global neighbours and working together to make our world a better, fairer, and more equitable place may make all of us happier.
“You’ll not likely go wrong here if you keep remembering that our Master said, ‘You’re far happier giving than getting.’” (Acts 20:35 MSG)
This Halloween lead by example and help your children embrace global generosity, because it’s needed now more than ever.