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Nigerien nine-year-old girl carrying a water basin on her head
28 March 2023

Why is donating to charity important?

What are the benefits of donating money to charity?

Donating to charity has never been more crucial

It's more important than ever to reach out and help those most in need. Today, there are more than double the number of emergencies than there were ten years ago. Climate change and conflict are causing disasters, impacting children and their families. The United Nations estimates that there are 103 million forcibly displaced people worldwide - 32.5 million are refugees.

Donating to charity saves lives

It’s really that simple, the money you choose to donate will be channelled into programmes that will save lives around the world. What’s more, it will improve the lives and chances of children around the world who might otherwise not be able to achieve their full, God-given potential. A charitable donation, even a small amount of money, can go a long way in our projects and help to turn people’s circumstances around. World Vision works with whole communities to bring lasting change, so you can be confident that the positive effects of your donation will be felt for years to come.

Somali mother and her baby speaking to World Vision staff

Donating to charity can improve your mood and sense of purpose

By donating to charity, you can improve your mood and your sense of purpose. It can be easy to feel as though your actions don't have much impact on the World around you. That's why World Vision is transparent about how your donations are spent. Knowing that you are having a positive impact on the world is an instant and easy way to feel good. 

Person donating to charity on their mobile phone.

How donating to charity sets a positive example

For those with children in their lives, whether their own or the children of friends and family members, donating to charity sets a positive example for them. We all want the children in our lives to grow into compassionate people and, by showing them the positive impact you can have by simply donating money to charity, you can show them how easy it is to help vulnerable children and their communities around the world. You could even come together to think up some fundraising ideas for kids, encouraging charitable behaviour in them from a young age and demonstrating how easy (and rewarding) it is to help others.

Donating to charity is an easy way to do a good thing

In the modern world, it can be hard to find time for your passions and hobbies, and that includes giving. Volunteering your time might be something you wish you could do but you’re simply unable to allocate a few hours a week. But, by donating to charity you can make a difference easily. Whether you automatically give every month through direct debit or quickly respond to emergency appeals, donating to World Vision makes a difference in the lives of the world's most vulnerable children without sacrificing your time.

How you can donate to World Vision

You can help children living in the world's most dangerous places by donating to World Vision. Some of the benefits of donating to World Vision include that it's simple, and your generous donations are eligible for gift aid and are secure so you can relax knowing your money is going exactly where it is intended.

Donating even a small amount could make a big difference. A donation of £5 can provide a warm blanket to a child just arrived at a refugee settlement, £10 can provide a child with emergency food for a month and £15 can provide toys for a children's centre. 

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