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World Vision Rwanda staff member walking with children

How donations are spent

Lives transformed forever. Here's exactly how.

Transforming children's lives

Together, in 2024, World Vision UK supported 1.7 million children in 181 projects across 37 countries.

Altogether our work directly benefited 3 million people. Within this, we responded to emergencies across 28 countries, supporting over 1.8 million people - half of whom were children.

It’s all thanks to incredible supporters across the UK who believe every child deserves a chance.

For every pound spent by World Vision UK, 79p went towards our work to care for and protect vulnerable children around the world and 21p was spent on raising another pound.

How our total income is spent

A chart showing that 79% of World Vision UK's expenditure goes to charitable activities

World Vision UK in 2024

How can you be sure where your donation goes?

When you give to World Vision, you can be assured that your donation will be well spent to have the greatest possible impact on children and communities who need it most.

Our programmes are run by our own staff or local, trusted partner organisations.

We also support communities to better know and uphold their rights.

Additionally, our accounts are independently audited every year and we’re regulated by the Charities Commission.

So you can be sure we spend your donations how we say we will, to reach the most vulnerable children and communities.

Three young brothers from DRC delighted with their family's harvest

Together we’ve impacted the lives of over 200 million vulnerable children by tackling the root causes of poverty.

Why choose World Vision?

With 75 years of experience, we’ve learned how to bring hope to children and communities in some of the world’s most poor and dangerous places.

Thanks to our supporters globally, we work in almost 100 countries and have changed the lives of over 200 million children in the past five years alone.

When you give to World Vision, you know your donations will be well spent, for the greatest impact. We always work alongside communities, with a focus on the most vulnerable children and families helping them overcome poverty and experience fullness of life. So, you know your donations will go to the children in greatest need.

Who are you helping?

Ukrainian refugee family outside World Vision orange tent
Ukrainian refugee family

We help the most vulnerable children in the world. You can read all about how we transform the lives of children and their families.

Children forced from home during the Ukraine conflict have benefitted from World Vision's work, in Ukraine and in bordering countries like Romania. Over 650,000 Ukrainians have received assistance, including food, shelter, cash, hygiene kits, education, medical supplies and Child Friendly Spaces.

How can you help?

There’s still so much we need to do. There are millions of children struggling to survive, who risk losing their childhoods, their families, and their hope.

We work with communities to help them bring about change in the longer term, as well as providing emergency relief when disasters strike. We provide immediate support, and we stay, helping to rebuild lives for children, families and communities.

This simply wouldn’t be possible without thousands of people like you.

Donate today to transform the lives of vulnerable children

More about World Vision