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Girls reading in school in Zimbabwe

End of programme evaluation: IGATE-T, Zimbabwe

Improving Gender Attitudes, Transition, and Education for girls

Improving Gender Attitudes, Transition, and Education (IGATE-T) is a £16m Girls’ Education ​Challenge project funded by the UK government. The project supported 123,333 girls and boys in 9 districts in Zimbabwe between 2017 and 2021.

The project consisted of four channels of impact. All of these were adapted to respond to COVID-19 in 2019, to support girls and communities during the pandemic and lockdowns.

The four channels are:

  • Whole School Development: Including professional development training and providing an environment in and around the schools that support effective learning for children.
  • Community Learning Initiative: Targeting learners who were out-of-school to provide literacy, numeracy, financial literacy, and vocational training.
  • Leadership Clubs: Training mentors and peer leaders to support community learning, identify at-risk learners and help connect them to supportive structures.
  • Community Champions Network: Including the establishment of the Child Protection Committees and working with community members to be more aware of barriers girls face.

IGATE-T’s endline evaluation was completed in October 2021. The mixed-methods approach used was a combination of Outcome Harvesting – a qualitative method designed to answer evaluation questions in areas where project contribution is not well understood in the Theory of Change – as well as more traditional mixed-methods. This includes qualitative analysis and an impact evaluation, using quantitative causal analysis techniques. The evaluation also qualitatively assessed Value for Money on the project.

The report includes a short Executive Summary and is accompanied by a 2-page infographic outlining key results.

In addition to the evaluation report, the project also commissioned a standalone report on Community-Based Education, which provides an in-depth study on transition pathways taken by out-of-school girls; and a Value for Money analysis, which integrates a Cost-Benefit Analysis.