Zambian girl playing with corn in a field and smiling

Earth Day

Learn how climate change is impacting families around the world.

Considering climate change on Earth Day

We believe every child deserves to experience fullness of life. However, increasingly frequent natural disasters are impacting families' livelihoods and the availability of nutritious food.

Children are most vulnerable to the effects of climate change. According to UNICEF, 40 million children are having their education disrupted every year due to disasters linked to climate change. On top of that, droughts, floods, and extreme weather events can lead to crop failures, water scarcity, and food insecurity, resulting in child malnutrition and loss of family incomes.

As a children's charity, World Vision is working with communities to mitigate the risk of disaster and help families become more resilient to the effects of climate change. Learn more about Earth Day and how you can help children access life-saving essentials, even amidst climate-related emergencies.

READ MORE: How climate change affects children

When is Earth Day 2025?

Earth Day is on Tuesday 22 April 2025. This year's theme is yet to be announced, but the Earth Day 2024 theme was Planet vs Plastics, with demanding a 60% reduction of plastic production by 2040.

What is Earth Day?

Earth Day can be traced back to 1970 when began mobilising millions of Americans on 22 April to protect the planet. And in 2019, the United Nations General Assembly recognised 22 April as International Mother Earth Day.

This day is an opportunity for us to think about our actions to protect the planet for future generations. Whether you recycle religiously, avoid plastics or plant trees, you’re probably trying to do your bit for our planet. Earth Day 2024 is an ideal moment to take stock and see how others – including World Vision – are making a difference.

Group of Ugandan farmers and World Vision staff in a field
World Vision is helping farmers regenerate trees and grow food

The big picture

The impact of climate change is different depending on where you live. Sadly, for some families, climate change is forcing them to flee from home. There were 43.1 million internal displacements of children because of climate change over the past six years. And it's reported that 95% of child displacements were caused by floods and storms.

World Vision is supporting communities to become more resilient to the effects of climate change. Continue reading to discover some of the ways we're supporting communities to build their resilience to climate change. 

Rashid is regenerating trees in Uganda

“I used to cut down trees indiscriminately. I was naïve,” says 40-year-old Rashid, a resident of a refugee-hosting community in Bidibidi. After learning about the importance of protecting and managing trees from a World Vision-trained friend, the father of five got involved in Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR) in his community.

“I have doubled my yields since I started regenerating trees and shrubs in my gardens. I want to share my experience with others, not just keep it to myself,” he says.

FMNR is an easy, low-cost way for farmers to increase the number of trees in the fields from rootstock or seeds dispersed through animal manure. Rashid sees FMNR of great value both for the environment and the community, which has seen several deforestation and degradations partly attributed to the South Sudan refugee influx.

Rashid says, "I have never had such harvest and earnings before. FMNR is doing me wonders. I'm even saving, something I thought wasn't possible."

Now, Rashid is sharing his knowledge with his neighbours - refugees from South Sudan. Mawa, a refugee helped by Rashid, is delighted. She says, "We no longer worry about running out of food rations because we grow our own. It is enough to take us throughout the year."

Somali woman holding up her tie dye creation with child
Atiko is generating an income thanks to her new tie-dye business

Atiko is learning new skills in Somalia

Conflict and climate change have been working together to make life challenging for families in Somalia. Families like Atiko and her four children who were forced to flee their home because of climate-related events.

“We left there because of the drought which had affected our farm and livestock. I also had a dispute with my husband,” she says. “We had to leave because we lost our livestock and there was no harvest for several years.”

At first, Atiko wasn't sure what to do to provide for her family. But now, she's one of the 2,000 students in her area who are benefitting from a World Vision skills training project to help them earn a living. Students also learn about business development – things like marketing, customer care, record keeping.

Atiko spent six months learning to tie-dye and she now sells her creations, which provide her with an income. She is proud of her house and her ability to take care of her children. “When I started it, I had only this hut and I have added the fence and the toilet as well,” she says. “I am also taking care of the livelihood of my children, school fees, and any other requirements of my family.”

Atiko explains, “We are better now since I started working on the tie-dye business. I see myself as somebody who can work and change something for my family life.”

Both Rashid and Atiko are great examples of how World Vision supporters are making a long-lasting difference to the lives of vulnerable children and their families. Her business has given her the tools to build a new life for her children and for their future.

How to help others on Earth Day

If you want to help people affected by climate change on Earth Day, there are multiple things you can do, from donating, praying and spreading awareness about vital environmental movements and actions.

By donating to World Vision today, you can help us to introduce climate-smart farming techniques and implement plans to reduce the risk of disaster. Alternatively, you can support our latest emergency response funds to ensure children are protected during crises.

Learn more about our work