Young girl from DRC smiling at the camera while holding hands with a World Vision staff member who is looking at her

International Day of Charity

Learn more about this day and our charitable work.

Millions of people are facing the devastating effects of conflict and natural disasters. They need your support to access clean water, better education, healthcare, protection and nutritious food.

As a children's charity, World Vision supports the International Day of Charity, which is observed annually to raise awareness of charity work around the world. Learn more about how we're helping children reach their full potential and how you can get involved.

What is the International Day of Charity?

Declared by the United Nations General Assembly in 2012, the International Day of Charity is an opportunity to support charitable works. It’s also an opportunity for charities and volunteers to raise awareness of the work they are doing. From large to small charities, this is a day to mark achievements and call for further support in making the world a better place.

When is International Day of Charity?

The International Day of Charity 2024 is on 5 September.

There is a significant reason that the 5 September was chosen as the date for World Charity Day, and this is to commemorate the anniversary of the death of Mother Teresa of Calcutta. Mother Teresa received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979 for her work fighting to overcome poverty and distress, and this event was designated to recognise her selfless and important efforts.

Ghanaian parents and daughter smiling with World Vision staff member who is wearing a branded vest
West Africa Regional Leader, Carla Denizard, visited her sponsored child's family in Ghana

A thank you from us to you

World Vision is proud to commemorate International Charity Day every year - celebrating all charities around the world that work tirelessly to make a difference. We also use this day to celebrate our amazing staff, volunteers, donors, sponsors and supporters, who all make it possible to do what we do every day.

No child deserves to feel like the world is against them. We are able to ensure children are protected and empowered to lift themselves up from conditions and environments they should never have faced in the first place.

We have helped create a better future for over 200 million children around the world.

Together, we can transform lives

Thanks to charitable donations and charity events, World Vision has been able to help millions of children in the world’s most dangerous and hardest-to-reach places for over 70 years. It’s only been possible thanks to the people who have supported us.

Every 60 seconds, we help a family get clean water, we feed a hungry child, and we help a family receive the tools they need to break the cycle of poverty. Every minute, we can change lives because of our generous supporters and amazing team of passionate staff and volunteers.

Supporting World Vision

If you are looking to commemorate International Day of Charity by supporting our children’s charity, there are a range of ways you can do so, whether that is by planning a charity event or simply sponsoring a child. Together, we support families and communities to build a brighter future for children. We couldn’t do what we do without you, and every little bit given makes a significant difference.

Find out more about how you can support the work we are doing around the world to help empower the most vulnerable children.

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