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Room full of people at New Wine Ireland event

Our Partners: New Wine Ireland

Join World Vision at New Wine Ireland

World Vision at New Wine Ireland

At World Vision, we're excited to partner with New Wine Ireland.

All around the world, we see the challenges vulnerable children face but we also see the amazing hopes and dreams they have for the world they want to live in.

Children smiling and surrounding a new drinking water tap in the DRC
Thanks to supporters, World Vision was able to install a clean water tap at this school in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

About World Vision

Founded on a prayer over 70 years ago, World Vision has impacted the lives of over 200 million vulnerable children by tackling the root causes of poverty, working together with communities of all faiths and none.

Robert Pierce
Let our hearts be broken by the things that break the heart of God

Robert Pierce

World Vision Founder and President 1950-1967

You can contact our Church Team by calling us on 01908 84 10 10 or emailing and one of our team will be in touch in no time.

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