Children sat in overcrowded Ugandan school classroom, on the floor, without desks.

World Vision with Premier. Donate today.

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Donate a desk

When the community in Pajule, Uganda invited World Vision into their lives, the problems were many. Not least was that school and education came second place to survival.

Children here don’t often get to make decisions. And even if they're able to go to school, there might not be a desk for them to sit at.

A desk might not seem important but without them, succeeding at school becomes impossible.

Sat on a mud floor, a hundred children to a class, with exercise books on their knees - learning is simply lost.

Donate a desk now


Giving children what they need to learn

Many of us remember our teachers’ names. Maybe they inspired your career, passions or more? You may not be a teacher, but your name, your donation today could inspire children to succeed at school and break the cycle of poverty for good.

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School desks can change children's futures

When you donate to provide school desks for children in Pajule, Uganda, your name - along with other Premier donors - will be included on a special celebratory name plaque on the front of every school desk donated. Your name will encourage and inspire children to succeed. 

And you’ll receive a digital certificate and photo of the desks you have helped provide too!

Give choice a name - yours!

Why World Vision?

Because of our community-focused solutions, for every child you help, four more children benefit, too.