Family walking in deserted street

Middle East Emergency Appeal

Help children and families devastated by this violence

Help children caught in the crossfire of this deadly conflict

As violence in the Middle East continues, the UN estimates that over 36,000 people have already lost their lives. Sadly, this is only expected to get worse as the crisis deepens and expands to affect surrounding areas. Children and families across the region have become caught up in the conflict, with over 90,000 people displaced in south Lebanon and levels of violence increasing dramatically in the West Bank, resulting in mass school closures and large numbers of people unable to work. 

Innocent children and families fleeing their homes and living in fear of violence urgently need support. In times like this, food can be hard to find, water runs out, and healthcare is desperately needed. You can help those whose lives have been torn apart.

We’re already working in the West Bank and Lebanon, which have both been impacted, and we are responding to the most urgent needs. With decades of experience in the area, we’re acting right now to support innocent families whose lives have been shattered. Your donation today will make a difference.

Donate now to help those suffering.


Help those affected by the escalation of violence in the Middle East Emergency Appeal

Help us act fast to protect the lives of those that have been devastated.

Please enter a donation of at least £1

Providing emergency support

In the first 180 days of the response, World Vision has already reached 252,730 girls, boys, women, and men in West Bank and Lebanon. We continue to provide life-saving assistance including food, shelter, water and sanitation, as well as psychosocial support.

With decades of experience in the area, we’re acting right now to support innocent families whose lives have been shattered. Your donation today will make a difference.

Donate now to provide life-saving support.

Maxmise your impact in times of emergencies

If you are a philanthropist or a company and would like to speak to our team about how you can make a significant gift towards our work, please email: /

How your donation helps

World Vision is seeking to help all vulnerable children, families and communities impacted by this crisis. Donations will be channelled into areas of greatest need that World Vision and its partners can access.

Your donation today can help us reach children with food, water, and healthcare. Please help deliver the lifesaving support they need to survive – before it’s too late.

Your donation today could provide essential items to families who desperately need them.


How we work in emergencies

When emergencies hit, children are often the most at risk. That’s why we need to be there – in places torn apart by disasters and conflict.

Your support is needed now more than ever

Why World Vision

Together we’ve impacted the lives of over 200 million​ vulnerable children by tackling the root causes of poverty.​

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