The legal bit
To make sure it goes without a hitch, check your fundraising is safe and legal.
The Institute of Fundraising’s Code of Practice is an essential read. And they’ve got useful information on all other aspects of fundraising too.
Health and Safety
Whatever you do, please do it safely. World Vision cannot accept liability for any loss, damage or injury suffered by you or anyone else because of fundraising for us.
To make it simple, we’ve written a statement you can use on any of your fundraising publicity:
“This fundraising event is organised by [your name], who will donate the proceeds of this event (less any costs) to World Vision. World Vision accepts no responsibility for any liability that arises from this fundraising event.”
Guidance for running events safely
In aid of World Vision
Always make it clear that the fundraiser is ‘in aid of World Vision’. Our registered charity number is: 285908 – please include this on all your printed literature.
World Vision logo
If you’re using the World Vision logo we will ask for an administration fee of £10 + VAT (to ensure we are adhering to tax requirements). This will be deducted from the donations you send through, so please be aware.
Good to know
Use our fundraising checklist in our Fundraising Pack to make sure everything’s in place for a great day.
Risk assessment
Ask the venue if they have a risk assessment – they normally do. If not, the Health and Safety Executive website has a template you can use before your event.
Alcohol licence
If serving alcohol check whether you need a licence and do not serve alcohol to under 18s.
Food preparation
Always ensure that food is correctly stored, prepared and thoroughly cooked. If selling food you must list all ingredients. You can find simple and straightforward advice at:
If you organise an event for the public, you may need Public Liability Insurance – check that your venue is already covered. If not, a simple insurance can be purchased from insurance companies. For use of music or showing a film, you will need to apply for a licence.
Entertainment licensing guidance
Collecting the money
If you’re collecting money in a public area you will need permission from your local authority. All monies raised for World Vision should be sent to World Vision without deducting expenses.
Raffles and Lotteries
There are very strict and complex laws relating to raffles and lotteries. You must check that the event you’re planning meets all legal requirements, which may involve purchasing a licence from your local authority. For full details of the law in this area, visit the Gambling Commission.
Gift Aid
World Vision can reclaim tax on all donations from UK taxpayers. Donors must declare that they want to claim tax back on their donations. Online giving platforms, provides this option automatically. If you’re using World Vision sponsorship forms, the relevant box will need to be ticked with full name and address.
Ensure money is always stored securely. It’s good practice for two people to be present when the money is counted for verification. The process of collecting money for sponsored challenges is made simple by using an online sponsorship platform. All money raised offline should be banked as soon as possible. Please send cheques to World Vision made payable to ‘World Vision UK’, for the attention of the Financial Processing Team.
Children enjoying fundraising
World Vision UK consider any person under the age of 18 years to be a child. No adult should be on a one to one basis with a child. Any fundraisers under 18 should have a parent or guardian’s written permission. Children should be properly supervised and any adults looking after children must produce a Disclosure and Barring Basic certificated issued within the last 12 months of the event, to the event organisers.
Data Protection
Any information you keep about people involved in the fundraiser must comply with the Data Protection Act. Don’t share data or hold information on someone without their permission. Guidance can be found at the Information Commissioner’s Office.
Transferring funds
Funds need to be transferred in a secure and timely manner:
• Justgiving
You can set up a fundraising page, allowing the money to be sent through to World Vision UK, automatically.
• Cheques
These should be made out to: ‘World Vison UK’ and sent to:
Fundraising Specialist, World Vision UK, Opal Drive, Fox Milne, Milton Keynes MK15 0ZR
• Telephone
Call our Supporter Care Team on 01908 84 10 10
They can take a donation over the phone.
If you need help or clarification at any time, please call our Supporter Care Team on 01908 84 10 10 or email