A group of sponsored children in Columbia run towards the camera

What will you choose to leave behind?

Change lives and make a lasting legacy with World Vision.

Make a lasting impact with a gift in your Will

None of us know what the future holds and writing a Will gives us peace of mind. Having a legal document detailing our wishes means that family members and loved ones are looked after. And with what’s left we can include a gift to the causes we care about too.

Leaving a gift in your Will to World Vision, Premier's international mission partner, is a simple and compassionate act that will be felt around the world for generations to come. Making a lasting legacy couldn’t be simpler.

And it all starts with a single step today: ordering your free gifts in Wills guide.

Discover the power of making a gift in your Will to World Vision

What difference will your choice make?

Read more stories of transformation and hear from supporters like you when you receive your guide. You’ll also get advice and useful wording for your Will.

You’re in good company

Increasingly, supporters like you are choosing to include a charitable donation to World Vision in their Wills. Each has their reasons for doing so but everyone is inspired by what their gift can achieve long into the future.

When you partner with us, your effort is added to theirs – which means that together we are bringing about greater change. We really are making a long-lasting difference to children’s futures thanks to generous gifts in Wills.

See what supporters like you have said about choosing to leave a gift in their Will to World Vision.

I love the idea that with what’s left after my loved ones have been looked after, I could be a blessing to someone truly in need.


I want to continue helping children who are far less fortunate than ours and our grandchildren were, and give them a brighter future.


For us it’s knowing that... there will be children, communities and families that will remember that they were given a helping hand.


What will your legacy be? 

Hear how Ngosi wants to change lives.

Find out more about what your gift could do in your free guide.

Why leave a gift to World Vision?

Get in touch - we're here for you

We'd love to hear from you, whether you have any questions or just want to talk things through. We'll support you every step of the way, from writing to updating your Will.

You can email us at legacies@worldvision.org.uk, or call us on 08000 88 0 88.

Learn more