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 Children in DRC sit with bags of emergency aid provided by World Vision

UK aid cuts: stand up for children

At this pivotal moment, we urgently need your support.

Contact your MP  |  Donate  |  Pray

Following the UK Government's disappointing decision to cut UK foreign aid, we need your support to stem the devastating effect it will have on children living in the world’s most difficult places. 

We must act now – the lives of future generations of children are at risk.

Difficult decisions on spending must be made but these should not be at the cost of children’s lives. It’s the most vulnerable, those living in areas that are fragile due to effects of conflict or climate-change factors, that will bear the brunt of these decisions. 

We're asking for the UK to be a leader on these important global issues, not to shy away. 

Can you help by raising your voice, showing your support and praying for change? 

Raise your voice - contact your MP

Your local MP was elected to represent you and the issues you care about in the House of Commons.

Your voice can make a difference.  

You can ask your MP to speak up on behalf of the world’s most vulnerable children so that their needs are taken into account in the corridors of power. In doing so, you will help us create powerful champions in the UK for the world’s children. 

The more letters an MP receives, the more likely they are to act.  

How to write to your MP 

  • Find out who your MP is and their contact details here:  
  • Always write to your own constituency MP and include your postcode in the email. 
  • Ask the MP for a reply, and if you receive one please let us know at: 

Some points you could raise – what’s happening and why does it matter? 

  • On 25 February, the Prime Minister announced that UK’s international aid budget would be cut to pay for increases in defence spending. This is the lowest level aid has been for 25 years, despite growing needs globally. 

  • The result will be more children dying, more children hungry and malnourished, fewer children in schools, and the increased exploitation and abuse of children.  

  • International development and national security are two sides of the same coin. Stable, prosperous countries are less likely to experience conflicts that can spread and create global security threats. Reducing poverty, improving living conditions, reducing triggers for forced migration and combating disease all reduce security and conflict risks. 

  • All children have the right to grow up on a peaceful, equitable and habitable planet. 

  • Call that the UK Government reverse their decision and put all of the world’s children at the heart of their decision-making. 

Show your support - donate

If you want to support our mission and make a difference in these unprecedented circumstances, your generous donations can have a significant impact and help us continue our work.

How your donation helps:

  • Putting children first: Your support ensures that the most vulnerable children receive essential food and medical supplies, safeguarding their health and well-being. 
  • Creating long-lasting change: Donations fund educational programmes, providing children with the tools and opportunities they need to build a brighter future. 

  • Building safe environments: Your contributions help create safe spaces for children affected by conflict and climate change, offering them stability and hope. 

By donating, you are directly contributing to the well-being and future of children who need it the most. Together, we can make a lasting difference. 

Pray with us

We worship a God who is above all human authority and yet cares for the very least in this world. A God who can move seas and mountains, and will also sit alongside a those who hurt and mourn.

In these times of daunting change we can feel weak or helpless, but we know that we can draw on God’s strength, and that as we cry out to him he will hear our prayer.

  • Please pray for children whose lives are already vulnerable, that they would be protected from further harm
  • Please pray for world leaders that they will act with compassion
  • Please pray for stability and peace amongst the nations
"Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly;  defend the rights of the poor and needy."
Proverbs 31:8-9

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